SGM College

The Bharat Education Society's


of Commerce & Economics
12th Khetwadi Lane, Mumbai - 400 004
NAAC Re-ACCREDITED 'B' Grade (3rd Cycle) 2020-2025
The Bharat Education Society's


of Commerce & Economics
12th Khetwadi Lane, Mumbai - 400 004
NAAC Re-ACCREDITED 'B' Grade (3rd Cycle) 2020-2025

ADMISSION TO F.Y.B.Com, F.Y.B.Com (Management Studies), M.Com. Part I

ADMISSIONS : (All admissions are subject to the confirmation by the University of Mumbai and colleges from where the student cames and seeks admission in this college.)
  • An admission granted to the student in this College to any class shall be only for that particular Semester/year.
  • A student admitted to one class shall not get automatic admissions to the higher classes – year after year. admissions to the higher Class in the subsequent years shall be at the discretion of the Principal & Admission
  • The student has to seek admission to higher class after passing his/her lower exam every
  • Students who are found irregular in attendance and/or had bad performance at the College/University Examinations will not be admitted to the llnd Term.
  • Admissions of students to this College to any class is subject to the Rules and Regulations of the College and that of the University of Mumbai framed from time to
  • Students once admitted will be considered as duly enrolled for the whole academic year, subject to his/her good conduct and observance of discipline, attendance and performance unless he/she informs the Principal in writing of his/her intention to leave the The College shall be entitled to recover the tuition fees for the whole year.
  • When a student cancels his/her admission fees paid by him/ her shall be refunded according to the rules prescribed by the University from time to
  • Every student seeking admission in this College should submit University application form and college admission form alongwith necessary documents to the College office after getting the approval of the principal /admission committee and should pay the necessary fees within the time limit to confirm admission.
  • Admission form will not be accepted if it is mutilated or torn and/or is incomplete or is unaccompanied by the marksheets necessary certificates, copies or


As per Circular No. Enrol/1812/2013 dt. 18-4-2013 and direction from the University of Mumbai from academic year 2013-2014, it is mandatory for the students seeking admission to F.Y.B.Com., F.Y.B.Com (Managment Studies) & M.Com Part-I (Advanced Accountancy and Business Management) must filled-up The University of Mumbai Pre-admission Registration form Online on University Website and submit the Print to College Office.
For admission to F.Y.B.Com., F.Y.B.Com (Managment Studies)& M.Com. Part-I (Advanced Accountancy and Business Management) student has to visit our college website : and fillup the college Online Admission Form on link –> 
University registration link for undergraduate program –>
University registration link for postgraduate programmes –>
College Code 16
[22300001] Com. (with Credits)
Regular- Rev 16- F.Y.B.Com. – Sem-I (12 months)
[223000051 B.Com ( Management Studies) (with Credits)
Regular- Rev 16- F.Y.B.Com (Management Studies)– Sem-I (12 months)
[MCOM] Com. (with Credits)
Regular- Rev 16- M.Com.- I
Sem – I [2C00531] – (12 months)