Junior college section started in 1976 and is affiliated to Maharashtra State Board. Junior college offers Program in Commerce . From 1976 till 2007 our Junior college had aided division with intake of 240 at std 11(FYJC) & std 12(SYJC). After 2007 ,self finance division with intake of 240 was added making total intake of 480 seats. Our Junior college is under our Degree college .
In Junior in aided we offer following subjects –
Marathi or Hindi or Information Technology
Secretarial Practise
Organization of commerce management
Book Keeping & Accountancy
Environmental Science
Physical Exercise
In Junior Self Finance we offer following subjects
2)Marathi or Hindi or Information Technology
3)Secretarial Practise or Mathematics
4)Organization of commerce management
6)Book Keeping & Accountancy
7)Environmental Science
8) Physical Exercise
The Examination pattern of Junior college is as per exam pattern directed by education department and Maharashtra state Board from time to time.
The Junior college offers Gymkhana facilities for indoor games like Table Tennis, Carrom ,Chess and hires ground at crossmaidan for Cricket. The Junior college has Library for reading facilities for students. The Junior college also promote cultural activities by organizing different events. Junior college Annual day is conducted in month of January at Marathi Sahitya Sang Mandir ,Charni Road.