Principal's Message

Dr. (Mrs.) Manjiri M. Tiwari M.A. (English), M.Ph.D.
Sant Gadge Maharaj College of Commerce & Economics
The vision and objective of Bharat Education Society is to provide quality education to the students who hail from under privileged class of the society. This has been our endeavor to impart these students with the best of professional knowledge through guest lectures, industrial visits and various such interfaces. The staff of the college incessantly tries to combine the best from the world of education and professional organisations.
There can’t be a denial of the fact that in the fast changing global scenario education cannot afford remain static. It has to keep pace with the change as the change is inevitable. We at the college place greater emphasis on the social, cultural and educational programmes in order to make them feel socially responsible. We organise several programmes and lectures of social and educational significances.
Keeping up our vision of giving quality education we continued teaching online and tried to solve learner centric in these trying times of the pandemic. It was ensured that the learning should never come to a stand still. It is a perpetual process and should go on.
The college’s NSS unit and the students’ council are very active. These units focus on organising several programmes of socio-cultural relevance. Our college also offers BMS and MCOM. Here we provide them all necessary help in getting placed. We try to inculcate the entrepreneurial spirit in the young mindsets. In all round effort is made to technically equip the students to face the challenges of the market.
I welcome students to our college and wish them best of luck for their education.